Taylor Boryca, BS, PTA, PRC
Holistic Health Specialist

Professional Bio:

My goal as a health coach is to arm you with the tools and knowledge to no longer need my services. I am rooted in Postural Restoration Institute (PRI) concepts that taught me early on to approach the body with a zoomed-out view. I have since broadened my training to include the impact the gut microbiota and mental health can have on an individuals physical health. I believe harmonization of the body, mind, and gut is needed to find true multi-system symptom relief.
Life should be lived by feeling and sensing, decreasing our conscious mind and allowing our egoless selves to roam free.

My Personal Story:

My personal health journey has been multifold. What brought me to Postural Restoration Institute (PRI) was at first for selfish reasons. I was 25 and experiencing debilitating chronic, multi-site pain and nothing I learned in school was relieving my pain, nor my patients at the time. I took one PRI course and was hooked! For me, PRI taught the why. Why limitations and compensations present in the body through a zoomed-out lens by taking into account not just the musculoskeletal system but also the nervous system that drives it and our born human asymmetry. After a year I was able to rid myself from shoulder, TMJ, SI, knee and pelvic floor pain. However, I was unable to be as functional as I wanted to be with activity. Sure, I was able to climb some 14ers and not feel intense pain the next day, but I wasn't able to do any high intensity cardio like long distance running without falling into poor breathing compensations. I couldn't figure out what was setting me back? I had seen some of the best PRI practitioners, had spent countless hours at the headquarters in Lincoln, NE but still… something remained.
I have always been a gym rat and I’ve been hyper focused on my body and how it can perform since I was a teenager. When I was in my early 20s I decided to compete in a Bodybuilding competition, I was young and dumb and paid some Joe Schmoe to give me lifting and nutrition plans. Little did I know, this would be the start of an eating disorder that took a decade to break. From binging to bulimic episodes, juice fasts for 10+ days, intermittent fasting, keto, etc… if it’s been a popular “lose weight” fad I’ve tried it. Along with the erratic eating, I have expereinced extensive travel in third world countries, lactose intolerance that I ignored, and a long history of heavy antibiotic use. All of this was a recipe for disaster that hit in my late 20s.
The brain fog, chronic fatigue, depression, bloating/constipation along with a slew of other symptoms I experienced daily was astronomical. I started connecting the dots that maybe I had some gastrointestinal problems so explored what western medicine had to offer. I quickly learned that my symptoms and complaints were not taken seriously by multiple GI doctors. I was always shewed out the door being prescribed laxatives, treating symptoms but no follow-on testing given to find the root cause of problems.
Through countless hours spent researching, courses studied, metabolic tests, hiring and firing “nutritionist” I was finally able to arm myself with enough knowledge to help diagnose and treat a parasitic, bacterial, and fungal overgrowth through holistic supplementation, lifestyle change and dieting. However, my mental health was a driving factor. I needed to make extensive lifestyle changes in order to stay committed to a diet and supplementation protocol to minimize the overgrowths. This is where the power of altered states of consciousness through psychedelic experiences came into play and allowed me to break down my ego and learn a new sense of self, breaking away from unhealthy coping mechanisms and negative view of self. These were my missing puzzle pieces. Once I was finally able to balance my gut and mind my body was no longer stuck in a fight or flight driven system. I was finally able to rest and actually digest my food rather than have it inflame me. My goal is to help you find your missing puzzle piece.


2023 Psilocybin Facilitator via Innertrek

2022 Postural Restoration Certified (PRC) via PRI